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Rs. 1,150.00

Fujione is a 40% EC formulation of Isoprothiolane.We market this fugicide belonging to the renowned Nihon Nohyaku group. Fujione is recommended for control of Blast disease in Paddy...


TATA METRI (Metribuzin 70% WP) (100 Gm)

Rs. 359.00

Chemical composition: Metribuzin 70% WPDosage: Sugarcane-Pre-emeregence (400-500 gm/acre) Post-emergence (300 gm/acre) , For potato & tomato crop-150 gm/acreMethod of application: Foliar applicationSpectrum: Metribuzin controls both narrow and broad leaf weeds.Compatibility: Do not mix with any chemicalFrequency of application: Depends on weed ..

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